Please take a moment to tell us what you want from Anime in the Limelight!
a. How old are you, where do you listen (home, cybercafe,
school, or office?) where are you from or what's your Zipcode?
b. How'd you hear of us and how long have you been
c. What website or station were you tuned into?
d. What do you think of our current programming?
e. How can we improve?
f. Where do you get your anime from?
g. Are you a member of an online or regular anime
h. Which AM/FM radio station in your area do you think
would make AitL a good home?
i. Which conventions do you attend? What local scifi-comic-anime- game
related happenings in your area we could help support?
Mahalo (thank you) for supporting AitL!